How long does my story need to be?
Stories will be about 500-1000 words.
What kind of recipe should I contribute?
I would like to have a variety of recipes for example drinks, soups, appetizers, snacks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners. But if we don't have enough recipes for any category, then we can drop that category. So, if you contribute a breakfast, and it's the only one, then I might ask for a different recipe to round out another category.
Does it have to be an original recipe?
Yes it has to be original. I can't reprint someone else's recipe verbatim due to copyright issues. But, it can be a recipe that you got somewhere else and then changed. We would need to change several things about it - either the ingredients and/or method to to make it your own.
Do I need to take a photo of my recipe?
If you can take a professional quality photo then, yes that would be great. But as the editor, I will be testing the recipes and can take the photos, so you don't need to contribute a photo.
Do I have to pay to be part of this?
No. I will pay for the editing, design and printing of the books.
Will I receive anything for my contribution?
I can provide a free copy of the book and some other extras and goodies - to be determined.
Do I have to use my real name?
No. You don't have to have your real name printed on your story, but the story should be yours and not someone else's. You also should not use the real names of anyone else in your story such as your family, or doctor etc. If you wanted to share something positive about someone that helped you and use their real name, then we can get their permission first.
What if I'm not much of a writer?
We could do a zoom meeting and I can ask you questions about your experience and then I can write up a story for you, which you would then be able to edit to make it your own.
What are the deadlines?
I would like to get the submissions back within four weeks so that I can start editing and putting the book together. That is the first deadline, then I will return the story to you and you will need to confirm the edits and this can go back and forth for a bit, until we are satisfied.