You Should Attend This Session If:

  • You have lymphedema or lipedema and want to do more to reduce your pain and swelling

  • You're interested in getting into the water, but have been procrastinating

  • You already have a water routine, but you want to make sure you're getting the most out of your time in the water

Meet Your Instructor

Physiotherapist, Lymphedema therapist Dorit Tidhar

Dr. Dorit Tidhar is a physiotherapist who was trained in lymphedema management by Prof. Judith Casley-Smith in 1999 and was certified by her as a teacher in Self Management and Exercise for Lymphedema in 2003. Dorit designed a program of Aqua Lymphatic Therapy to help people who suffer from lymphedema maintain and improve the results of conventional treatment. She is working in Maccabi healthcare services as the national director of research and development and finished her PhD in the school of nursing of Missouri University with Prof Jane Armer as her adviser. She is now teaching the course of lymphedema management by the Casley-Smith method near her home in Klachim, Israel.

Participant Review

I am so glad I invested the time into Dorit’s webinar. Thank you Jean for finding her for us all! As a swimmer, all the lymphedema specialist always reiterated how good swimming would be for my arm lymphedema. However, the mile or so I swam weekly did nothing! Dorit’s informed and interesting talk made me understand that I was doing the wrong swimming stroke! A simple and easy fix! She also has a series of water exercises that help increase lymphatic flow. She had great downloads and links too. I wish there were more aqua therapists available because it’s a fabulous way to keep fit as well as have another tool to manage my lymphedema. Charlotte, D.


  • What topics will you cover in the webinar?

    You'll get familiar with the physical forces of water and how they affect your venous and lymphatic flow. You'll also receive Dorit's unique aqua therapy routine that you can practice on your own.

  • How do I know if I should do aqua therapy?

    After attending this session, you will be able to decide whether aquatic exercise can be beneficial for you and how to use the principles we discuss to your benefit.

  • When I get in the water, I just swim. Is there something better I can be doing for my lymphedema or lipedema?

    Yes! In this session, we'll discuss how to get the most out of your time in the water and learn Dorit's unique method that has been validated by research and experience with her own clients.

  • What currency in the program in?

    The program is in Canadian dollars.

  • If I can't attend live, will it be recorded?

    Yes! The session will be recorded. If you can't attend live, then sign-up anyway to get access to the recording. If you want to submit a question ahead of time to be asked live, then email your question to [email protected]

Make a Splash!

Get moving in the water today and make the most out of your pool time to improve your lymphedema and lipedema! All registrants will receive Dorit's step by step aqua therapy outline for arms and legs.