You Should Sign-Up for this Series If:

  • You have lymphedema and want to be sure you're doing everything you can to manage your lymphedema

  • You want to understand the role of complementary therapies

  • You are a lymphedema professional and are considering adding new therapies to your practice

  • You like to stay up to date and learn about new treatments and how they work

  • You appreciate hearing from people who are experts in their field

  • You are interested in lymphatic yoga, lymphatic taping, reflexology lymphatic drainage, low level laser, scar therapy and/or sequential pneumatic compression pumps

Complementary Therapies for Lymphedema Experts

Occupational Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Yoga Teacher Barbara Jackson

"Babz" is an occupational therapist and certified lymphedema therapist. She is also certified in several modalities including yoga, yoga4cancer, LoveYourBrain, yoga for tauma, and reiki. Babz's practice in Boston, Massachusetts specializes in cancer rehabilitation and she also serves people from around the world in her virtual online specialized yoga programs for individuals with or at risk of lymphedema.

Reflexologist Sally Kay

Sally is the creator Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage, an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body. It is a unique sequence that has been researched and developed by Sally Kay, whilst working in Cancer Care. The results appear to support the theory of reflexology.

Adie MacKenzie

Adie MacKenzie is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Medical Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant and a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. She has over 40 years of experience in manual therapies. She currently treats lymphedema patients and people with chronic pain and chronic illnesses as part of her private practice and during clinical hours at The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and offers Health and Wellness Coaching to Lipedema patients through Lipedema Simplified. She is also a clinical advisor to AIROS, a pneumatic compression therapy pump manufacturer.

Complementary Therapies for Lymphedema Experts

Physiotherapist Jocelyn Kope

Jocelyn Kope is a South African physiotherapist with a special interest in cancer rehabilitation and prehabilitation, as well as scar and abdominal viscera treatment. She graduated from the University of Cape Town in 2009 and after diverse work experience she settled on her current field of practice, arriving in Dubai in 2015 as the only physiotherapist in the region with specific training in scar treatment. While working full-time at a private clinic, Jocelyn continued her training in these fields, and earned a Diploma in Complete Decongestive Therapy from FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria), and is a Pinc & Steel graduate and course contributor. Jocelyn has a long-standing relationship with local breast cancer support groups, and has maintained wide involvement in support of cancer awareness and women's health. She has been recognized in local and international publications for her expertise in the fields of cancer rehabilitation and scar management.

Executive Director, RianCorp Ann Angel

Ann Angel is the founder and Executive Director of RianCorp, makers of the LTU-904 laser for lymphedema. Ann Angel established RianCorp in 1998, a company that focuses on medical laser products for photochemical applications in the field of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Ann has grown RianCorp into an internationally recognised organisation, for introducing a new product to the market for breast cancer treatment patients - the LTU-904. Ann has a 25 year business background with international experience in introducing new products to new markets. In 2016, Ann was diagnosed with breast cancer and used the LTU-904 device for post-mastectomy lymphoedema treatment. Ann will explain the scientific validation of the LTU-904 and discuss the clinical evidence to support the use of laser for lymphedema.Her guest will be Leslie Bell, PT and lymphedema therapist who will discuss the practical use of the laser.

Occupational Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist Ruth Coopee

Ruth received her MOT in 1983 from Texas Women's University and worked in burns and orthopedics later specializing in Hand Therapy in 1991. She began teaching in 1995 and became a Vodder Certified Therapist in 1997 and achieved Certification as a Kinesio Taping Instructor in 1998 and certified in Massage Therapy in 2006. She achieved NLN “Expert Clinician” status in 2021. She is one of the original Kinesio Taping Instructors in the USA. She was awarded “Instructor of the Year” at the first USA Kinesio Taping Conference in 2004 for her work in the area of Lymphedema. Currently she is working full time in her private practice ‘Body Holistics’ in Largo Florida. Combining traditional and holistic methods for the treatment of soft tissue and lymphatic dysfunction.

Get Access to the Series

Yes! I want to hear from the experts about complementary therapies for lymphedema!


  • Will I be watching live or replays?

    The live sessions are completed, but the speakers all generously agreed to have the replays remain available. You can watch all six replays, including the Q and A sessions.

  • What currency is the series in?

    The series is in Canadian currency. if you are outside Canada, your credit card will convert the tuition into local current. $100 Canadian dollars is approximately $78 USD.

  • Are these treatments that I should be doing?

    The speakers are going to provide information so that you can learn what the treatment does, how it works and what their experience has been. You should then discuss with your health care team if any of these treatments are right for you.

  • Do I get access to all 6 webinars?

    Yes! When you register today, you will receive access to all six replays. You can watch the replay as many times as you like. Once you register, you will receive email reminders the day before and the day of the live event. You will attend by clicking on the zoom link that will be sent out to you.

Expert Speakers and Their Topics

  • Lymphedema Yoga with Barbara Jackson

    Babz will be introducing her “living with lymphedema” yoga wellness program and then guide you through a sample practice which includes self-manual lymphatic drainage, breathing exercises and lymphatic yoga. Wear something comfy. This practice is for all levels and will be completed in a chair.

  • Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage with Sally Kay

    Sally Kay is the creator of Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD) and will share her research and experience performing this unique treatment to help people with lymphedema.

  • Lymphatic Taping with Ruth Coopee

    Ruth will cover popular questions about lymphatic taping including; What is physio tape, different brands and features, what to look for when buying tape, when would one brand be better than another, what is the tape doing for lymphedema, indications and contraindications for taping.

Expert Speakers and Their Topics Part II

  • Low Level Laser with Ann Angel and Lesli Bell

    Ann will explain the scientific validation of the LTU-904 and discuss the clinical evidence to support the use of laser for lymphedema. Her guest will be Lesli Bell, PT and lymphedema therapist who will share her experience using the laser for her lymphedema clients.

  • Sequential Pneumatic Compression Pumps with Adie MacKenzie

    Lymphedema therapist Adie MacKenzie will give you the straight talk on the pros and cons of sequential pneumatic compression pumps, who can benefit, what pumps and features would work best for different conditions and what to ask your lymphedema professional if you're considering a pump for yourself.

  • Scar Management with Jocelyn Kope

    Jocelyn will provide an overview of how and why scars form, including side effects of cancer treatment; radiation fibrosis, cording and drain scars. She will share her experience with the physical and emotional effects of scars. She will discuss treatment options ranging from at home techniques to laser and surgery.

Complementary Therapies Expert Speaker Series Agenda

    1. Welcome!

    2. Series Information

    1. Lymphatic Yoga with Barbara Jackson, OT September 26 at 1:00 pm ET

    2. Yoga Only portion of Babz Jackson Presentation

    3. Handouts from Babz Regarding Lymphatic Yoga

    4. Lymphatic Yoga - Additional Information

    5. Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage with Sally Kay, September 29 at 1:00 pm ET

    6. Lymphatic Taping by Ruth Coopee, MOT October 6 at 1:00 pm ET

    7. Lymphatic Taping by Ruth Coopee Part II

    8. Low Level Laser with Ann Angel and Lesli Bell, PT Oct 6 at 6:00 pm ET

    9. Sequential Pneumatic Compression Pumps with Adie MacKenzie, October 21, 1:00 pm ET

    10. Scar Therapy with Jocelyn Kope, PT October 27 at 1:00 pm ET

    11. Feedback Survey - All Survey Completers will receive a $20 coupon to attend any course from Jean's school.

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

Get Access!

Yes! I want to access to all six sessions in the Complementary Therapies for Lymphedema Expert Speaker Series Replay.

Land Acknowledgement

I would like to acknowledge that the land on which I live and conduct my business is the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Chippewe, the Anishnabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. Today, this place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and I am grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on this land.