You Should Watch This Session If:

  • You are living with a chronic illness and need some support, tips or skills to help you manage

  • You're still coming to terms with the shock of knowing that there is no cure for what you have

  • You fluctuate from anger to frustration to denial and fear and you need to hear from someone who understands what you're going through

  • You're opening to learning some new skills to help you live with a chronic health condition

  • You just want to know that you're not alone

Meet the Presenter

Registered Psychotherapist Emily Lafeber

Emily Lafeber is a registered psychotherapist who knows first hand what it's like to live with chronic illness as she has several autoimmune disorders and chronic illnesses. Her company Blume Psychology and Wellness offers virtual psychological therapy tailored to address the unique challenges and concerns that come from living with a chronic health condition. Her focus is on empowering you to enhance your quality of life and overall well-being. Emily's area of speciality include chronic illness, autoimmune disease, pain, anxiety, quality of life, difficult life transitions, body image, self-worth, self-esteem, emotional eating, relationships with food and trauma. She uses several modalities including integrative healing, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), somatic psychotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), gut-directed hypnotherapy and more. Find out more about Emily and how she can help you at

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness comes with a complex set of emotions.

  • Should Be Grateful...but Can't

    I survived cancer, only to be left with lymphedema. I should be grateful, but instead I'm just angry and frustrated that lymphedema is making my life so hard. I didn't picture life after cancer like this! Nobody else I know that went through cancer treatment ended up with lymphedema. It's not fair.

  • Validated...but Mad

    I've been dealing with lipedema so long...I'm so mad at the medical system, that was gaslighting me for years, telling me that I was just fat. Now that I finally have my diagnosis I feel validated, as I knew all along that something wasn't right, only to find out that there is no cure, and I have to live with these legs for the rest of my life.

  • Feeling Guilty I Didn't Do More

    My lymphedema has progressed because no one knew how to help me in the beginning. Not only is it chronic, it's also progressive and I'm living with the consequences of not knowing how to look after myself like I should have for all those years! I feel guilty that I didn't advocate more for myself in the beginning to find more answers.

Get the Support You Deserve

Watching this session will introduce you to a learning community that can be part of your circle of care.